OneDrive | Google Drive | Dropbox | |
Initial Free Space | 15GB | 15GB | 2GB (2.5GB if refered) |
Camera Backup Bonus | 15GB | 0 | 3GB |
Refer a Friend Bonus | 500MB | 0 | 500MB |
Max Refer a Friend Bonus | 5GB | 0 | 16GB |
Max Free Space | 35GB | 16GB | 21.5GB |
Premium Pricing | 100GB - £1.99pm 200GB - £3.99pm 1TB* - £7.99pm | 100GB - $1.99pm 1TB - $9.99pm | 1TB - $9.99pm 1TB - $99pa |
Aprox Annual Price for 100G in £GBP | £24 | £15 | £60 |
Aprox Annual Price for 1TB in £GBP | £96 | £80 | £60 |
PC App | √ | √ | √ |
Mac App | √ | √ | √ |
iOS App | √ | √ | √ |
Android App | √ | √ | √ |
Windows Phone App | √ | x | x |
Blackberry App | x | x | √ |
* Through Office365 subscription. Office 365 Home includes 1 TB of OneDrive storage for each household member (up to 5) and the latest Office applications for 5 PCs or Macs and 5 tablets.